Regulations shouldn't be a road block for business operations. The transportation of hazardous materials and dangerous goods can be a time-sensitive matter, and ShipHazmat provides a solution by using a standard approach for all hazmat employees to follow regarding regulatory interpretation.

By having all hazmat employees within an organization utilizing the same system for generating shipping papers, business leaders create a standard method of interpretting regulations for the purpose of creating compliant documentation and packaging. When that interpretation is automated with a solution like ShipHazmat, hazmat employees gain the extra benefit of having a solution provider like the Bureau of Dangerous Goods, Ltd. support their operations with compliance solutions and quality customer service.

The Bureau of Dangerous Goods, Ltd. employs regulatory specialists with years of qualified experience in the hazardous materials and dangerous goods industry to provide a solid foundation for ShipHazmat's built-in regulatory logic engine. With the intent of promoting safe transportation practices, our regulatory specialists collaborate with regulatory authorities around the world to bring our customers an effective and efficient means of creating compliant documentation and packaging.