1a. Modes of Transport
Please select the transport modes to be used for your new account:
(each transport mode includes regulatory updates and technical support)

Please select the number of credits you wish to purchase.
Each credit is $35.00 USD and will be deducted from your account for each completed shipping paper.


A monthly membership is $79.95 USD for the first transport mode, and $10.00 USD for each additional transport mode.
Each monthly membership provides you with unlimited access to ShipHazmat for a single user.
Your subscription will renew automatically each month.
Cancel or upgrade anytime.

1b. Number of Users
Select the number of user licenses you wish to purchase from the dropdown menu below:
(each additional user license is )
Purchase Description Qty (Users) Price (USD)
Annual subscription
(includes one user license for mode(s) of transport and technical support)
(subscription will automatically renew 365 days from purchase date)
(each transport mode after the first is an additional $75.00 per mode per user)
Additional user license(s)
(each additional user license includes mode(s) of transport and technical support)
(each additional user license is )